I consider myself a professional mother. I also consider myself a professional Home Maker and Tailor. Being a mother is my first responsibility so I use most of the hours in a day doing it. Just as a lawyer or teacher is a professional person but had to do a number of years of research and study to become one, a professional Mother does too. There is 2 years of baby research then 3 years of toddler research, before the mother can claim to be a professional Mother of the Early Years. The same pattern continues for Elementary years, adolescent or Argumentative stage, and Self Expression or High School stage. With each child the professional person has, it gives them a compound amount of years. For example if the professional mother had two kids and they both are out of the Early stage then she has 10 years, but always subtract the first 5 years as the research and study time needed to become the professional. Leaving her 5 years of being a professional Mother, the Early Years. Like all professions the mother must be doing it full time or 8 hours a day. Also remember there are ones that do it better or worse then others. Depending on the results they were going after.
I have a group of friends here in Woodruff that I also consider professional Mothers and use them as a resource of information. They are out in the field actively researching and practicing. Each week we meet and report to each other our findings. We also address our own research projects and hope to get some insights on how to handle the project. The projects are usually Mothering questions , but sometimes are Home Makers situation.
I love having these meeting and get great information. I also find a lot of info from posting research questions on Facebook. The project for this week is Potty Training. I would like to know from any professional Mother what their number one thing they do while Potty Training?
The Woodruff research group members are as follows...
myself Crystalyn professional Mother, the Early Years -12 yrs
Katherine professional Mother, the Early Years - 7 yrs
Andrea professional Mother, the Early Years - 12 yrs
Casey professional Mother, the Early Years - 9 yrs
Lynne professional Mother, the Early Years - 24 yrs
Michelle professional Mother, the Early Years - 20 yrs
Lisa professional Mother, the Early Years - 25 yrs