Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dear Woodruff Friends,

Everything has finally caught up to me.

Will we be loved like we are in Woodruff? Will there be other moms in Texas that will love my sons, like SO many of you do!? Will there be a priesthood leader to guild Taylor when he turns 12? Will Cameron find a friend that treats him good. Will Mason's teacher help him like Linda Cornia would? Is anyone going to be personally invest in our friendship? Will we relate to anyone there?

I remember the first year living in Woodruff, Aaron and I would laugh at how slow everyone talked. We both remember how we had to purposely talk slow so we could communicate better with the friends here in Woodruff. Well last night I called the bishop's wife, of one of the wards in College Station, and she was talking so fast I had a hard time talking. The same thing happened with the next women I called that lived in College Station. Do you think they would mind if I asked them to slow down and relax a little when they talk to me? At least for the first year.

I love you all and will miss you VERY much.
Love, Crystalyn


Andrea said...

I am sure you will find a group of friends there who love you as much as we do. We will miss you so much!

Shannon said...

Texas! I am sure you will make friends wherever you go, but does it have to be so far away. I am sure it will be warmer.

Jenny said...

I use to think this way when we would move (18 moves in 18 years). Unfamiliar places seem intimidating. Then after you have been there for a little bit you wonder what you were so worried about. As I get older my moves get easier. I don't know if it is because I am more comfortable with who I am now (36 year old mother of 3 {15, 12, and 4 yo}, LDS, homeschooling my 9th grader, husband working his way through residency {90-100 hours a week}, graying hair, loosing my memory {so my kids say}). Sometimes I think I am too busy to care about things if it isn't positive. You are a great mom and you will make sure you find ways for your kids to love where you are going. You will make sure they are taken care of. Because they are the kids they are, people will just fall in love with them like they did in Woodruff. Remember that above anything, you have the gospel and that already means you have something in common with at least those in your new ward.
We are in PA now. Been here since June. BEST move we have done yet. One would not have thought that with 2 teens. Life here is great! Good luck to you and Aaron with everything in the future. If you need someone to just listen, let me know! Love ya!

Mom said...

I promise you will have friends in Texas. Y'all are a Texan remember? My advice is to keep busy. Your new calling will give you a new set of friends right away. Dig in. You have a natural way of making friends with everyone you meet. Soon their children will be at your house "hanging out". Love ya.