Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Betsy is in ASIA

Betsy is in ASIA. How cool is that! I've known Betsy for 9 year and she gets better every year. She is the apifanie of what a person should be. She makes everyone around her feel very important. That they are worth a lot in God's eyes. She loves to get down on the floor and play. She always seems exited about what tomorrow will bring. She has a lot of nice things in her possession, but it's the people in her life that is most important to her. When she gets involved with a task she puts her heart into it. She knows her heart might get hurt but knows "it's better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all."

One of the great loves she has, is to travel. She has gone all over the world and loves home too. She keeps that great balance in her life.

I highly recommend you checking out her newest hobby, her blog. www.bettygrace.blogspot.com From this blog she has made a link to her trip to Asia. What she has done is blogged everyday on her Asia trip so we can ask her questions while she is there. Here is the link www.betsyasia2008.blogspot.com

I am so lucky to know her. We love you Betsy.


Stephanie F. said...

I'm so glad I snooped on your blog today! You are so nice to write such good things about my cool sister :)

Heidi P said...

I snooped too!! Thanks for posting how great she is. I look up to her a lot. We are blessed to know her.

Alice said...

Hey Crystalyn-

What up cuz? Thanks to your mother-in-law, and my trusty googling skillz, I found your blog. Yahoo.

Your boys are darling, and I can't believe how big they are getting!

I am adding you to my list, hope you don't mind. Ashley and I have blogs too, come visit us!



Ashley said...

Hey thanks for you nice comments on my blog! I am new at it all and I get embarrassed! :)

The blanket I made does not have the corting but the bumpers do. It would have been much easier if it did though! The binding was so hard and didn't turn out as good. It is thicker because I used a thick batting and the backing is a thick cozy material.(forgot what it is called)

I really don't sew well but I try! I need lots of practice so one day it will look straight! Your quilt for Rachael look great! You did an awesome job! Her baby is darling.

Maggie, Drue, Salem, Sutton, & Xander said...

I'm so glad to find out that both you and Stephanie have blogs. I would love to be able to stay in touch better. I love the boys' "chicken pox"; that's classic. Please let Rachel know that I think Bella is absolutely beautiful.

Alice said...

Can I ask a favor please? Will you only use my first name on your link list? I prefer no last names and nothing about where I live. The biggest reason, I don't want any of my clients "googling me" and finding me. Sorry I am a little paranoid. :)

I am so jealous of Betsy and her adventures. Sounds like they are having a good time.

Betty Grace said...

AW, thanks Crys! I'm totally crying. You're such a great friend. Love you!