Thursday, May 19, 2011

We have gone biking a few times already this spring, and the last time was the best one yet. Last summer we got nice gear bikes for Taylor and Cameron and biked all summer. This summer I hope to be the same.

Jessica and Chad live right next to the Jordan River wa
lkway and so we thought we would try it out. The plan was a 10 mile bike ride. For my 5 year old Mason that is way more then he has ever done and so we were not sure if he could do it or that my stomach could handle it that long either.

Ohh Mason became the SUPER HERO of the year. Because he does not have a gear bike he just has a Walmart special he has to peddle 2 to 3 times more then any of us. He never gets to coast along. At one point we had to go up a hill that was 200 yards long and he did it without complaining or slowing down. I am still amazed when I think about him and what he did that day. Mason rocks!

The plan for the day was to go riding as a family and we are so glad Jessica, Chad, Jozie, Haven, and even Joshua could last minute come and join us. Ten more awesome bike rides coming soon this summer.

Our half way point way Gardener Village. We eat lunch and pastries. I mean pastries was our lunch, and loved checking out all the shops. Here is a picture of all 5 of my boys.

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