Monday, March 1, 2010

With four kids we both have to be moms

Has anyone asked you what number of kids was the hardest for you? So Aaron and I just had our fourth child. Friends ask me all the time, was having the fourth kid the hardest. They asked me the same thing when I had my third. I even ask my friends the same thing. I believe everyone has a certain number that is "the hardest" for them and then I believe every couple has a certain number that is the hardest on the married. How hard determines how much the husband is willing to do.

Number three was the hardest for me, BUT number four was the hardest for Aaron or our marriage. I simply could not do four all the time by my self. Aaron had 2 or more kids with him every moment I had kids with me. There was no more where I took the baby and he had the older two. If I needed or wanted to go do something I left him with baby and all. AND in the middle of the night Aaron would take a turn with Emmett. After the day jobs were done we both were running around with kids every single night. Unlike before when I could do it all or at least take the baby while Aaron took the older two.

With four kids we both have to be moms. Aaron had his way of putting Emmett to sleep and I had mine. Aaron had his way of feeding Emmett and I had mine. Aaron would give me tips of what worked for him in the middle of the night and how Emmett liked it.

I have the most amazing husband!!! I believe that every husband has the choice of sucking it up and figuring it out too. Just like us women have too and just like my most amazing husband did, because I ran out of energy and needed help.


Andrea said...

I love it!! So true Number four really changes things. As mothers we can only be spread so thin. I feel the same way about my hubby I wouldn't know how to do it without him. I love watchin him and Aaron gettting the babies to sleep at church.....great moments.

:) said...

This is so true. I only have 3 but we are learning what is too much for each of us. I think it is wonderful that husbands help during the night for sure, it really helps the child and fathers relationship to. I always want to be the one there for my kids when they need something, but am learning very fast I have to share, for me!