Sunday, August 10, 2008

Pioneer Trek from Nebraska to Utah

We had a lot of fun. I learned a lot of details about the pioneers and I also learned why they did what they did. Why it is important for me to understand their stories. And How I should be living my life. I wish I could explain it or even a small parts to you. It had a huge impact on how I view myself and my life. I totally recommend it to everyone. I just can't do my feelings and understanding justice in words. I can only say I know the Lord is very aware of me and he was very very aware of each pioneer. If I could have that same relationship with my Lord that the pioneers had I too would die of starvation or being frozen. In many ways my life is harder. I'm scared because Taylor, Cameron, and Mason's will face more than I have to or had to. They will have to be strong all the days of their life, not just the 90 days it took to get across the plains.

We had people that set up our tents before we would get there. We had a cooking crew. We had a toilet crew. We even had people carry our bags if we needed them and we drove around in air conditioned SUVs. Very nice trip.
We met lot of good people and a few good friends. Hopefully we can stay in touch with them for many many years.
Here we are at the Parting Of The Ways. I am going to Oregon and Aaron is going to Utah.

This trip could only happen once in a career. A BIG "thank you" goes out to my mom, for watching our boys on Monday and Tuesday. AND a BIG "thank you goes out to Stephanie for taking the rest of the week. Carol helped too, thank you too.

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