Sunday, April 13, 2008

My "cuzin" Jentry

We had a great visitor stop by today. Jentry. He is one of 5 cousins I have. That is it. I have only 5 from my mom's side and none from my Dad's. It's weird to me because Aaron has 54 cousin's from just his Dad's side and 6 I think from his Mom's. Here are some great shots from the evening. The girl is a friend named Andrea that he came with. She was a lot of fun to play with too. And I say play because we had pillow fights and running races and tug of wars while they were here. Just a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Looks like a ton of fun.

I am with Aaron (hmm I wonder why?) It is so weird when people tell me they only have a few aunts or a few cousins. My mom's fam makes a crowd even if "just" the family comes (as you know). :)