Friday, September 21, 2007

Mason our other rabbit

Today started as a normal enough day. Aaron's at work and Taylor is at home since it's a Friday. It became time to fix lunch and Cameron requests chicken salad. I think it great my 5 year old boy likes salads. The story gets more amazing when my 2 year old boy Mason wants some too. In the past Mason will eat 2 bites of my salads but today he wants his own. I served him up a normal child size serving of lettuce with Ranch. He then wants seconds, thirds, and fourths. I couldn't believe it. Taylor his 7 year old brother is only eating the chicken and cheese. Taylor says "mom he can have mine," which was a bigger serving size. We give it all to him and he goes down on it too. Mason eats Cameron's left overs next. When he gets done with it I ask Mason if he is "all done, do you want down?" He tells me no. What do I do he has eaten all the lettuce and chicken we have left. In the bowel there are tomatoes and cucumbers left. So I dump the whole bowel onto his plate just to see what he will do. AND he starts eating it. He didn't like them as much but found scraps of lettuce stuck, so he sucked the tomatoes clean and eats half the cucumbers. What a kid.

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