Sunday, December 6, 2009

The annual Christmas Tree Hunt. Chad, Jessica, Josie, Haven, Joshua, Melissa, Glenda, and Mike all came up to cut down their Christmas trees. I think this is the third year in a row. We brought up chilly and hot chocolate for lunch. We were out playing in the snow from 11:00 to 5:00pm. We were having so much fun. One the way home Taylor, Cameron, Chad, and Joshua all took turns getting pulled behind the truck. I haven't laughed that hard in a long long time. We loved it so much that when we got to the bottom Aaron turned the truck around and drove back to the top to do it again!!!

Grandma and Mason

Haven and Jessica above and below is Chad and Josh getting pulled behind the truck.
Then it was Cameron and Taylor's turn to get pulled behind the truck.
Here is Chad and Josh's next turn, but this time Josh took off his helmet and laid down. While Chad decide to go with the knees this time. Notice Chad's hand signaling to go faster, while Josh is completely covered in snow. Aaron was driving the truck and didn't know what to do. He couldn't see Josh and didn't know if he should do what Chad is signaling, but Chad kept saying faster, faster, go faster. So Aaron went faster.
Josh said he had fun and was glad Aaron went "faster"

We really wish Clint and Elle could be here too!!!!!!


Jessica Marie said...

Thanks for posting about this!

melishua said...

I think melissa was thretening to cut that tree down with her teeth. or maybe kill Crystalyn. who knows.