Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Josh and Melissa's wedding day

We had so much fun this weekend. Every moment was heart swelling for me. I loved it so much I replay the whole weekend over and over in my head because it was that good This picture shows my girl Rachel, me holding my son Mason, my mom Glenda, my boy Cameron and my boy Taylor.

This is one of my favorite pictures, because it shows now all of us married and in the same stage of life. I love my brothers and I am exited to get to know them in a different way.

Check out the structure Aaron built. It was a 4 post, arched, structure. That spanned 20' X 30'By the time we were done nobody could ever tell it was a gym. It really turned out fantastic. My brothers went out side and sawed off huge branches and we put them everywhere.

My littlest, Mason. All standing posted for a picture.


Lena said...

Those boys look so sharp in their little suits! I'm going to have to get my boys suits now- too cute! I love the one of you all with your spouses too. You look great! Congratulations to Josh and Melissa!

The Hulls said...

You all look so fabulous. The boys are so sharp, that orange looks great on them! I'm glad everything turned out so great, looks like you really enjoyed yourself.